An introduction to Coaching For Language Learning 

€ 37,00


An introduction to Coaching For Language Learning
di Emmanuelle Betham,  2018,  Indipendently Published
ISBN: 9781791515133
condizioni: NUOVO

THIS BOOK COMES WITH FREE, READY-TO-USE, DOWNLOADABLE, INTERACTIVE PROJECTABLE CLASSES (IPCs). Coaching For Language Learning (CFLL) offers solutions to many problems encountered by language teachers and learners, such as where students are not progressing. A new energy and atmosphere are made available through CFLL, where language teachers do not have to teach at all, but exclusively listen and respond. It is extremely rewarding.CFLL is a new way of teaching and learning based on solid action research in the domain of ESL (English as a Second Language), particularly English for Business. It is also applicable to other contexts in ELT (English Language Teaching) or the teaching of other second languages, and will be useful to anyone working in International Communication, or to improve Spoken Performance and Public Speaking.This book contributes to developing teachers’ coaching skills, which is the next step forward in our dedicated efforts to innovating and improving language teaching and learning. You will find here everything you need to know about the coaching approach to language learning, and numerous practical steps you can take to embody this approach – A MUST FOR THE MODERN TEACHER.

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