Behind the mask 

€ 19,50


Behind the mask
di Pasquale Dente,  2021,  Indipendently Published
ISBN: 9798777408570
condizioni: NUOVO

Written by an intensive care nurse, Behind the Mask is a thought-provoking debut novel exploring the untold psychological repercussions of the horrific experiences faced by those working on the front line.
Behind the Mask, a novel that renews and surprises the publishing landscape by taking on a significant and at the same time enigmatic title, representsing the painful reality we are going of living through due to the Covid- 19 pandemic.
A lethal virus that is bringing the whole world to its knees. The author dedicates to this dark existential and world period a story starring Lucia, herself the narrator, who works as a nurse in Covid ICU and will describe the professional environment with profound authenticity.
With Lucia lives other characters represented by young boys, her roommates, who, like her, migrated to Northern Italy to seek their fortune. When the protagonist begins to hear the news about the spread of the a new virus, she is on vacation holiday in Egypt. Only when she returns at home, in Bergamo, the city where the virus start to spread everywhere, and to experience theis hell first hand directly on her own skin, she understund what is mean all of this.
Suddenly everyone’s world changes;, especially that of the new generations and current young people has to make , who will have to sacrifices themselves to give up a social life, no meals out, even the simple, comforting gesture of a hug or a kiss between friends and family is discouraged entertainment and even routine gestures (caresses, hugs, greetings, kisses) between friends and family. Masks, gloves, and sanitizing gel will becomeare the constant companions of everyday life.
The stress and excessive workload Lucia has to face alone changes her… with chilling consequences.

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