Early Deism in France
From The So-called 'deistes' Of Lyon (1564) To Voltaire's 'lettres Philosophiques' (1734)
di C. J. Betts

    Editore: Springer Netherlands
    EAN: 9789400961180
    ISBN: 9400961189
    Pagine: 328
    Formato: Paperback

I. Prehistory, from 1564 to about 1670.- 1. Introductory; Pierre Viret¿s ¿d¿tes¿ at Lyon, and two characters in Bodin.- Viret¿s ¿d¿tes¿: anti-Christian or anti-trinitarian?.- Natural religion and tolerance in Bodin¿s Colloquium heptaplomeres.- 2. The 1620s: Mersenne and the ¿po¿ des d¿tes¿.- 3. The absence of deistic ideas from 1630 to 1670.- II. The later seventeenth century: precursors and definitions, from Saint-Evremond to Bayle.- 4. Saint-Evremond and the decline of fideism.- Early fideism.- Satire, eirenism and Christian morality in Holland.- Detached worldliness in the late works.- 5. The Utopian religions of Foigny and Veiras.- Foigny¿s La Terre australe connue: faith against reason.- Veiras¿ Histoire des S¿rambes:ritual and tolerance.- The two Utopias compared.- 6. Definitions and accusations, 1670¿1700; ¿deism¿ as a term of opprobrium.- Natural religion, travel and religious conflict.- D¿Assoucy.- Jurieu¿s usage.- Abbadie and Le Clerc.- Simon and Bossuet.- Fontenelle and Bayle.- Two end-of-century examples.- 7. The Turkish Spy.- The question of Marana¿s authorship.- Mahmut¿s pious doubts.- Three deistic letters.- The later volumes.- Tite de Moldavie and Christianity.- III. The first French deists, 1700¿1715.- 8. Gilbert¿s Calejava: rational deism with Protestant overtones.- 9. Lahontan and Gueudeville: natural religion from Canada.- 10. The anti-Christian deism of the Militaire philosophe.- Critical deism: rational principles and the attack on belief and faith.- Critical deism in detail.- A system of deism based on justice.- 11. The Examen de la religion and other clandestine works.- Rationalist preliminaries.- The critique of Christian proofs.- Catholicism replaced by rational secularismy.- The Examen and other deist manuscripts.- Boulainviller and the Opinions des anciens.- Chaulieu and La Fare.- 12. Tyssot de Patot: types of deism and religious criticism.- Austral deists again.- A Chinese anti-trinitarian in Goa.- A Gascon renegade in Algiers.- The politics of religion: war, imposture and intolerance.- Attacks on the Bible and biblical doctrines.- Tyssot and his characters¿ opinions.- IV. Deistic ideas in the early works of Montesquieu and Voltaire.- 13. Montesquieu: Lettres persanes.- God and justice.- The afterlife and providence.- Secular and utilitarian values.- The clergy.- Conclusions.- 14. Voltaire: Lettres philosophiques.- Between Christianity and deism: Ramsay and Lassay.- Voltaire¿s religious poems before 1734.- The Lettres philosophiques: the letters on the Quakers.- Sects and the clergy: L. 5, L. 6, L. 8, L. 9.- L. 7 and L. 13, Dr Clarke and Mr Locke.- The attack on Pascal.- The deism of the Lettres philosophiques.- 15. Conclusions.- Biography.- Literary allusions.- Religious attitudes.- Bibliography: 1. Manuscripts and published works discussed in the text as examples or precursors of deism.- 2. Editions, used for reference, of works by major authors.- 3. Secondary authorities, cited in the notes or of general interest for the subject; excluding works cited in the Appendix.

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