Introduction to Chinese Culture
Cultural History, Arts, Festivals And Rituals
Edizione Inglese di Guobin Xu (a cura di), Yanhui Chen (a cura di), Lianhua Xu (a cura di), Kaiju Chen (Traduttore), Xiyuan Xiong (Traduttore), Wenquan Wu (Traduttore)

    Editore: Springer Singapore
    Traduttore: Chen, Kaiju Xiong, Xiyuan Wu, Wenquan
    EAN: 9789811340802
    ISBN: 9811340803
    Pagine: 272
    Formato: Paperback

Promoting cultural understanding in a globalized world, this text is a key tool for students interested in understanding the fundamentals of Chinese culture. Written by a team of experts in their fields, it offers a comprehensive and detailed introduction to Chinese culture and addresses the fundamentals of Chinese cultural and social development. It notably considers Chinese traditional culture, medicine, arts and crafts, folk customs, rituals and etiquette, and is a key read for scholars and students in Chinese Culture, History and Language.

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