Neuropalliative Care: Part Ivolume 189

Edizione Inglese di Janis M. Miyasaki (a cura di), Benzi M. Kluger (a cura di)

    Editore: ELSEVIER
    EAN: 9780323850292
    ISBN: 0323850294
    Formato: Hardback

Neuropalliative Care, Part One, Volume 189 covers a type of care that is given when there is no cure for the neurological disorder and the patient is in distress. It provides a scholarly background of Neuropalliative care, from historic underpinnings to its practice in various geographical regions, along with best practices for specific neurological disorders. It covers the work of multi or interdisciplinary teams whose care is intended to make the patient as comfortable as possible and includes partners and families in treatment plans.

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