Political Economy In The Habsburg Monarchy 1750-1774
The Contribution Of Ludwig Zinzendorf
di Simon Adler

    Editore: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
    EAN: 9783030310097
    ISBN: 3030310094
    Pagine: 288
    Formato: Paperback

Political Economy in the Habsburg Monarchy is an important study of the contribution of Austrian Enlightenment economist Ludwig Zinzendorf to the political economy of the Habsburg monarchy in the mid eighteenth century. Simon Adler provides the first comprehensive analysis, and first ever study in English, of the development of Zinzendorf¿s thinking on the economy, commerce and, above all, state finances. Political Economy in the Habsburg Monarchy shows the extent to which Zinzendorf¿s insights were part of the wider European movement dedicated to understanding political economy as an independent and important activity. It establishes Zinzendorf, a protégé of the State Chancellor Wenzel Anton Kaunitz, as a pivotal figure in the development of Austrian economic and financial policies during the 1750s and 1760s and explains how he challenged cameralism using the most advanced European economic ideas, notably from French writers around Vincent de Gournay. This book is based upon wide-ranging research of primary sources and comprehensive coverage of secondary literature and adds significantly to the ongoing historiographical turn towards political economy in the eighteenth century.

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