€ 126,50


The DNA of Fairy Tales New Revised Edition Cinderella and Other Real Stories VOLUME ONE
di Federica Isabelle Adriani Federici,  2021,  Indipendently Published
ISBN: 9798716426825
condizioni: NUOVO

In this New Revised edition of the DNA of Fairy Tales, the enchanting author unveils the origins of our world’s most famous fairy tales. After 20 years of studies, Isabelle Adriani, (alias Federica Federici, Countess Palazzi Trivelli), Author with a PhD in History, expert in fairy tales and mythology, founder and President of ‘The Fairies Cabinet 2022’, journalist and actor, takes us back in time to explore in a marvelous narrative way, the true stories behind classic Tales. The real story of Cinderella and her glass slipper, Snow White and the Evil Queen with her talking mirror, the mystery of Beauty and the Beast, the flying carpet of Aladdin, the golden net between Fairies and ancient Goddesses, the legendary Sleeping Beauty, the untold secret of the Mermaids, the unbreakable swords of ancient Chinese warriors, and Rapunzel’s golden braid. We all thought these were invented stories, but they are not. All of these people and things had a place in the real world. Hundreds of such stories, dating all the way back to ancient mythology and the origins of mankind, can be found in innumerable cultures all around the world. The origins of Fairy Tales are rooted in our shared history From America, to China, to Europe, to The Middle East. These Real stories unite us all despite space and time, color and language or individual and societal limitations, they also demonstrate how unlucky outsiders, those who are ridiculed by society can, if they so choose, rise from the ashes to change the narrative of their lives, breaking down cultural, societal and religious barriers and offer hope in facing our ongoing human struggle. Per Aspera ad Astra (Latin: From the Ashes to the Stars) Cinderella was a Greek slave who became Queen 2650 years ago. Cinder-ella derives from Ash….

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