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Those that You Meet in Rome and Then You Forget
di Elisa Martino,  2018,  Pandilettere Edizioni
ISBN: 9788894370607
collana: Ce n’è per tutti i gusti
condizioni: NUOVO

Publishing house PandiLettere is pleased to inaugurate the series Ce n’è per tutti i gusti with Those that you meet in Rome and then you forget by Elisa Martino. A collection of paperback books to delight those who love travelling and carrying around with them a little souvenir to leaf through. In this book Elisa Martino explores the people living in the various Roman quarters with the same curiosity of a tourist, determined to learn everything about the places they visit. But there is much more. the author makes us dream with her portraits, which embody the thoughts and feelings of those who are passing by. For these reasons, Those that you meet in rome and then you forget stick in our mind and become unforgettable. This book is for those travellers who are not only visiting, but are also curious about the customs of the Roman people. It is also a book for those who live in this beautiful but chaotic city, an invitation to put the frenetic pace of daily life on hold and take a look at the small things, the expressions, the concerns of the people we meet every day. A book capable of surrounding us with true human warmth. Every chapter is supported by short videos available online making this book, among the other things, an original solution that fuses the infinite potential of the internet with paper (for more detailed information see the Author’s introduction).

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