Handbook of Statistics: Time Series Analysis: Methods and Applications

Edizione Inglese di Tata Subba Rao (a cura di), Suhasini Subba Rao (a cura di), C. R. Rao (a cura di)

    Editore: NORTH HOLLAND
    EAN: 9781493302420
    ISBN: 1493302426
    Pagine: 760
    Formato: Paperback

The field of statistics not only affects all areas of scientific activity, but also many other matters such as public policy. It is branching rapidly into so many different subjects that a series of handbooks is the only way of comprehensively presenting the various aspects of statistical methodology, applications, and recent developments. The Handbook of Statistics is a series of self-contained reference books. Each volume is devoted to a particular topic in statistics, with Volume 30 dealing with time series. The series is addressed to the entire community of statisticians and scientists in various disciplines who use statistical methodology in their work. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on applications-oriented techniques, with the applied statistician in mind as the primary audience.

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