€ 26,97


di Karen Spells,  2021,  Youcanprint
ISBN: 9791220361927
condizioni: NUOVO

Wicca Book Of Spells is a beginners’ guide to the basics, fundamentals and practices of Wiccan witchcraft, and it is created to help you navigate the system proficiently with a good understanding of how it works; learn magic, spells and the deep sacred rituals of Wicca. More precisely, you’ll learn: The basics of paganism, witchcraft and Wicca, including what they mean and what they entail How Wicca and witchcraft work The basic foundation of Wiccan practices and beliefs How to channel your focus in the craft The fundamentals of meditation with respect to Wicca practices The important covens and rituals you need to be aware of when practicing Wicca How the craft is associated with death, birth and marriage Magick in relation to love and sex How crystal magic works, and how it’s used in different spells How to perform different citrine spells, including wealth maintenance and busting fear How moonstone and bloodstone spells are done for different ends Jade, malachite and tiger’s eye spells for success, fear, protection and balance Jet and hematite spells to ease anxiety, stress, grief, protection and boost optimism …And much more!

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